I have always had a wonderful relationship with words. I have devoured books for as long as I can remember. As well as my love of consuming words, writing is also a crucial part of my existence, be it in my journal or a blog post. However when it comes to words to describe my medical conditions I have had a rather different experience. I have had two stories with my urology condition that have left me rather bemused and distressed as I try to unpick and make sense of them. My first experience was one my most bizarre in my journey around the many departments I’ve been to in the NHS. There had been so much confusion about what was going on downstairs, I had now been self-catheterising a few months, without being quite clear on why it had actually happened? Nobody quite seemed to know and I believe this was as a result of seeing numerous different departments. I arrived in the Urology Department at the Leeds General Infirmary, hoping to avoid the nurse mentioned in a previous blo...