Whenever I am discussing my condition or body in general, I see the body and oneself as two separate things that need to work together. They need to be a team to function properly and perform. I felt that with this issue, my body is fighting against me and that is often a difficult thing to contend with. The issue is particularly enlightened when mentioning ones manhood. You need to be a team more than ever, whatever the context and when all this started happening it was a confusing time. It felt like my body had shut down, unwilling to cooperate for the simplest of things like going for a wee! However in the early stages, when I realised I would have to permanently self catheterise, I was told I could meet a urology nurse who would be able to show me how to use these new mythical objects to regain a little bit more control and have an understanding of this new way of life. It was massively reassuring so I headed to the hospital with a slight sense of trepidation. Agai...